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A message from Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation Board President Kathy Johnson Clancey

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation, Inc.


The Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation Inc, a 501 3C organization, was formed in 1954 to raise money for a new chapter house at the University of Kansas. The foundation provided a tax-deductible avenue for persons to donate to the building project. Donations to the foundation were invested and the interest earned subsequently provided scholarships to worthy University of Kansas women.

​Additionally, funds were loaned to the Kansas Association of Pi Beta Phi (House Corporation) for the purpose of building a chapter house. In 2008, bylaw changes allowed the foundation to approve grants to the House Corporation at 100% for educational expenditures and 12.5% for maintenance expenses.

Since 2008, more than $1,000,000 in loans and grants have updated these parts of the chapter house:

  • patios

  • bathrooms

  • kitchen

  • windows

​The foundation also provided funds for the purchase of new computers, a new sound system and the parking lot addition.

Thanks to the foresight of our alumnae members in the 1950s, we are in good financial shape. (Our foundation predates the national Pi Beta Phi Foundation and benefits solely the Kansas Alpha Chapter, as well as scholarships for women at the University of Kansas.)

Since its inception in 1954, the Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation has awarded thousands of dollars to hundreds of young women attending the University of Kansas. The recipients are selected by the scholarship committee of the foundation, and scholarships are awarded on a semester basis. Each

recipient must meet scholastic requirements and qualify as to financial need. Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation scholarships are awarded to women at KU with no preference given to Pi Phis.

The foundation board members are all Kansas Alpha alumnae:

President - Kathy Johnson Clancey

Vice-President - Joanna Miranda Glaze

Secretary - Janet Benson Abercrombie

Treasurer - Susan Edwards Miller

Susan Kindred Early

Sarah Rossi Evans

Ann Underwood Kindred

Jean Challinor Hall

Christine Hedges Morrison

Jennifer Schumacher Stradinger

Debbie Barnes Ward


Your contributions are always welcomed and needed, no matter how large or small. Stocks and bonds are

deductible the same as cash. If so desired, one may also remember the foundation in their will.


Please make your cash contributions payable to the Pi Beta Phi Educational Foundation, Inc and mail

them to the Treasurer:

Susan Edwards Miller

5735 High Drive

Mission Hills, KS 66208


Yours in Pi Beta Phi,

Kathy Johnson Clancey

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